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In observance of Presidents Day the office will be closed on Monday February 17th.
Cena de Cuaresma los Viernes
St. William’s Parish, nourished by God’s Word and the Body and Blood of Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit, proclaim as our mission:
to know our faith, to live by truth and love, to serve the needs of others, to teach by example, and thereby strengthen the Parish family.
Join us this Lenten season to share a meal, pray the Stations of the Cross, and spend time reflecting on our journey with Jesus to the Cross.
Eucharistic Miracles
Wednesday March 12 at 6:00 PM in the Church. Open to all ages.
Learn about Eucharistic Miracles, evidence of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, and Blessed Carlo Acutis, who created an internet database of the Miracles and will be canonized a saint in April.
For more information, contact Rachael. [email protected] or 805-466-0849
Save the dates!
Friday fun nights June 6,13,20, &27 from 6:30-8:30 PM - Ages 3-6th grade in the fall. Games, crafts, music, Bible stories, snacks.
Ages 3&4 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian Teen and adult volunteers welcome.
More information to come! Questions? Contact Rachael [email protected] or 805-466-0849